Dr. Murat Kaptac

Admission to Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry with 1st Place
2013 DUS Dentistry Specialization Exam Türkiye 46th
Thesis Subject
Comparison of The Clinical Efficacy In The Leveling Phase of Lingual Brackets and Labial Brackets
Scientific Studies
Presented in scientific meetings and published in papers:
- Ay Y, Kaptaç M, BaÅŸaran G, Göncü BaÅŸaran E. Ä°skeletsel Ve DiÅŸsel Sınıf III Bir Hastanın Kompanzasyon Tedavisi: Olgu Sunumu.
Turkish Dental Association 20th International Dental Congress, P068, Kuşadası / Aydın, 2014.
- Ay Y, Kılınç Ö, Kaptaç M, Yılmaz A, Özer T. The Influence of Diagnostic Records on Orthodontic Treatment Planning. 91st Congress of
The European Orthodontic Society, SP147, Venice / Italy, 2015.
- Kaptaç M, Ay Y, Gürsoytrak B, Çevlik E, Ulusoy A. Konjenital Keser EksikliÄŸinde Multidisipliner Tedavi Yaklaşımı: Vaka Raporu.
15th International Symposium of the Turkish Orthodontic Society, P-200, Ankara, 2017.
- Bilgiç F, Küçük EB, Akıncı Sözer Ö, Ay Y, Kaya A, Kaptaç M. Analysis of Six Orthodontic Journals in Science Citation Index and Science
Citation Index Expanded: A Bibliometric Analysis. Turk J Orthod 2018; DOI: 10.5152/TurkJOrthod.2018.17059.
- Cesur MG, Kaptaç M, Ay Y, Güran Ç. Two-Stage Orthodontic Treatment of A Patient with Skeletal Class II Malocclusion and Growth
Retardation. 16th International Congress of the Turkish Orthodontic Society, PB-102, Izmir, 2018.
- Kaptaç M, Ay Y. Comparison of the Clinical Efficacy in the Leveling Phase of Lingual and Labial Brackets.
16th International Symposium of the Turkish Orthodontic Society. Oral Presentation, SB-026, Bodrum / Mugla, 2019.
- Kaptaç M, Ay Y. Customized Lingual Brackets vs. Conventional Labial Brackets for Initial Alignment. J Orofac Orthop 2021; doi.org/10.1007/s00056-021-00295-1.
Participated in congress, courses, activities:
∘ 13th International Symposium of the Turkish Orthodontic Society. Istanbul, November 2013.
· “Facial Esthetics from Childhood to Adulthood”, Dr. Domingo Martin. Istanbul, March 2014.
∘ Turkish Dental Association 20th International Dental Congress. Kuşadası / Aydin, May 2014.
⋆ Observership in Dr. Domingo Martin’s Orthodontic Clinic. San Sebastian / Spain, September 2014.
∘ 14th International Congress of the Turkish Orthodontic Society. Ankara, October 2014.
· “The Importance of Multidisciplinary Treatment”, Dr. Domingo Martin. Ankara, October 2014.
· "Understanding the Damon System", Dr. Andrey Tikhonov. Izmir, October 2015.
· “Incognito Lingual Systems User Meeting”, Dr. Roberto Stradi. Istanbul, October 2015.
Dr. Frank Weiland. Izmir, October 2015.
∘ 14th International Symposium of the Turkish Orthodontic Society. Eskisehir, November 2015.
· “Orthognathic Surgery on Problems and Solutions”, Prof. Nazan KüçükkeleÅŸ. Istanbul, December 2015.
· “Improving Orthodontic Outcome”, Dr. John C. Bennett. Istanbul, January 2016.
⋆ Observership in Harvard Medical School, The Forsyth Institute. Boston / USA, June 2016
⋆ Observership in Boston University, Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Department of Orthodontics. USA, June 2016.
· “The Future of Orthodontics is Lingual Orthodontics” Dr. Didem Aktan. Istanbul, March 2017.
∘ 13th Regional Meeting Turkish Orthodontic Society. Aydın, May 2017.
∘ Turkish Dental Association 23rd International Dental Congress. Istanbul, September 2017.
· "Why Invisalign", Dr. Andrea Bazzucchi. Istanbul, December 2018.
· "WIN Lingual Systems Certification Course" Prof. Dirk Wiechmann. Istanbul, January 2019.
· "All About The Mandible" 16th Cerrahpasa Plastic Surgery Days. Istanbul, May 2019.
∘ 16th International Symposium of the Turkish Orthodontic Society. Bodrum / Mugla, November 2019.
· "Lingual Straight Wire Technique" Prof. Giuseppe Scuzzo. Bodrum / Mugla, November 2019.
· ''7th International and German WIN User Meeting'' Prof. Dirk Wiechmann. November 2020.